You were the premier of an officially bilingual province. You come from a province where there is a very significant French speaking community, an Acadian community and a Brayon community. Statistics show that since 1951, the French language has been loosing ground in an alarming manner. Nowhere in your report does it indicate something specific about the efforts required to ensure the vitality of the French fact in the various provinces and in the Quebec nation.
The Standing Committee on official languages did this, for instance, when it visited the various communities in the fall of 2006. We discussed all of the required mechanisms, not to ensure that the children whose first language is French learn English and become bilingual, but to ensure that francophones are able to fight against assimilation which is a very serious problem once you move away from Quebec.
Did this aspect come out during your consultations? Did you go to the trouble of meeting with organizations that defend the French language in Quebec, as you did moreover in the other provinces in order to understand the needs of these communities and organizations, and to ensure that the French fact continues in North America, Canada, Quebec just as it does in each of the provinces?