My question is for John.
You've signed an agreement with Quebec, and I understand you've been dealing with training for the athletes, employees, volunteers, etc. However, I want to ask specifically about the Cultural Olympiad, the cultural part of the games. I have been working very closely with the Fédération on what they plan to do culturally and, of course, with the whole coordinating group on the culture part.
You have had lots of sponsorship. You've been very successful with sponsorship. What percentage of your sponsorship are you putting into the Cultural Olympiad now? You said earlier that the Fédération say they have a great relationship with you. However, how much of the money are you putting into the Cultural Olympiad for the French language and culture or the francophonie across the country? Are they putting forward their cultural piece just like every other cultural piece, or is there a specific amount of money put aside just for the French culture? If so, how much is it?
Second, I know that the Fédération has asked for a francophone cultural village to be put on Granville Island so they can have this whole village and everyone can see all of the francophonie from Canada there. Is that going to happen? I think it's extremely important. I would like to see that fast-forwarded and you put your money into that.
Finally, what are you doing about bilingual signage? British Columbia doesn't have a lot of bilingual signage. Is there going to be bilingual signage everywhere when you come to the games?