It is not easy. At home, there is a bad word and it is "Schedule B". That is the schedule in the agreements where we have to fill out our reports. It requires qualified resources. Finding the people and paying them adequately is a problem. It is becoming increasingly difficult because we are always competing with the others, as you know. The smaller organizations come to us for help in this area.
That is a challenge for us, because we have to manage several projects. All of that is not taken into account when changes are made to the system. It has become very cumbersome for us. We prefer direct community development work over filling out government reports, although we do understand why reporting to the government is important. We would like to discuss the best way of proceeding with the government, because furthermore we are involved in activities where the impact is not always easy to measure. It will be measured later. We are being asked to measure the immediate impact of something that we have not yet succeeded in doing. There again, it involves gymnastics. We must think about all of that in order to come up with ways of reporting. It is very complex and it has become very cumbersome. I think that there could be much simpler ways of proceeding, but we need the same person listening to us from start to finish.