It might take an equalization formula that is less complicated than yours. I think that, instead of coming up with figures that mean nothing, we should conduct more sophisticated analyses. Needs in individual communities differ. The places are different, and so are the needs.
We recognize that some provinces are underfunded. So we have to start by raising the bar. We should all have the minimum amount needed to meet the needs of our communities. At the same time, we need to go further in some areas, and we have to examine that issue. For example, immigration is an important area for us. We will be asking the federal government for funding, depending on our needs. We will not be asking for an amount that covers only half the work. Within two years, we will be welcoming 700 francophone immigrants per year. At present, we receive half of all refugees going to Manitoba. They are francophones. So we need a different funding formula, and a different approach. In our view, that is just common sense.