I would like to clarify something with respect to the French-language school board in Edmonton. At present, we are absorbing newcomers through services. Take our student body, for example. The number of students in schools has tripled over the past 10 years. In fact, it went up by 20% in a single year, between the end of June and the beginning of September in the following year. So you can imagine that if this had happened to a regular school board, the system would have been totally overwhelmed. The system was somewhat overwhelmed, but we were able to recover.
Think about the University of Alberta. These are all areas that are growing very quickly. In the province, we have five employment centres and five reception centres. We are in the process of increasing the number of ACFA regional centres. For many years we had 9 or 10, but now we have 14, along with 6 other points of service we are opening through other means. It is through services that we are developing. The traditional model for groups like ours is to achieve development through community development, cultural development and identity development. In Alberta, we are developing through the provision of services. It is therefore a roundabout way of reaching francophones.
The University of Alberta's Saint-Jean Campus is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. The university's name has been translated—it is called both Université de l'Alberta and University of Alberta. That is a small gesture. So it is really through the provision of services that francophone culture is maintained in existence these days. We therefore have to work with the province in particular, but the second stage is achieved by working through municipalities. We are making sustained efforts with the province, and even the Premier of Alberta has stated he would be open to a policy on French-language services for the Government of Alberta as a whole. We are working very hard in that area.