Thank you.
Thank you for being here today.
I want to raise a more specific issue. I've heard each and every one of your comments. Naturally, your time has been extremely limited, since there are many of you. We had the opportunity to hear from two other witnesses about two weeks ago: one came from the Yukon, and the other from the Northwest Territories I believe, though I am not certain. Those witnesses made a great impression on me because they were making their demands with an extremely positive attitude. God knows that their community is even smaller than some of the communities that are being represented today at this table.
I am new and I'm not too familiar with how things work within the federal government. I imagine that you will reiterate the demands that you are making here today in your respective provinces. There are several levels of government. I imagine that you also have to request funding from your large municipalities. We must certainly not be the only door that you knock on in order to explain the lay of the land.
I'm going to quote Mr. Corbeil from Statistics Canada, who raised something quite particular as he was talking about demographics. Indeed, what we are trying to ultimately do is manage demographics. When you were asked a question on senior citizens, the question was really about demographics. When we talk about youngsters and early childhood, again, we are talking about demographics. Mr. Corbeil said the following:
For francophones living outside Quebec, interprovincial migration is the main factor that directly influences changes within linguistic groups. Between 1996 and 2001, if you will recall, the number of francophones living outside Quebec increased by 10,000; this increase is mostly attributable to the migration of francophones beyond Quebec. Essentially, the majority of these francophones headed to Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia.
I have some questions concerning Alberta, because people from the Yukon told us that... Your province has an economic impact. In fact, it is an economic engine. Oil reserves have been discovered off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador. Next year, that province will no longer depend on the federal government and equalization payments, and will become like you. There's going to be an east-west attraction, but the attraction affects certain groups, because French-speaking groups need to earn a living. Not everyone wants to receive social assistance. People need to work. In your province of Alberta, there's a very specific characteristic. I would like to know... As we speak, a number of francophones are moving to Alberta, and I will give you an example...
How much time do I have remaining, Mr. Chairman?