No, a lot of.... There are 5,000 anglophones in Quebec—legal anglophone children, or status anglophones. They're allowed to go to English schools, but they choose to go to French schools. That trend is growing.
But some of the parents who have thought of that option have decided against it, and have expressed concern that their children's English ability could be damaged if they went to a program that was exclusively French, where the purpose of the program was to provide mother-tongue French education exclusively. By having an integrated program, they feel they might be assured their kids could also have competency in English, but would be in a milieu of going to school with actual francophones, whom they would befriend, and would have a better chance of speaking French with native-speaking francophones than speaking French with other English kids, which often results in strange accents and vocabularies.
So they're open to—Some people are afraid, but many are doing it, yes.