Mr. Chair, in light of the discussion that took place on the amendment that was just defeated, and also in light of the questions of proportionality that are in my opinion quite important in the operation of all committees, I would like to make another proposal, which reads as follows:
That witnesses be given ten (10) minutes for their opening statement; that during the questioning on witnesses, there be allocated: for the first round, seven (7) minutes for the first questioner of each party in the following order: the Official Opposition, the second opposition party, the third opposition party and finally the government; for the second round, five (5) minutes be allocated to each subsequent questioner from each party in the following order: Official Opposition, the second opposition party and the government; for the third round, five (5) minutes the allocated to questioners from the following parties in this order: the Official Opposition and the government; for the fourth round, five (5) minutes to a questioner from the government; for the fifth round, time permitting and if members so wish, the first round will be repeated with three (3) minutes per questioner.
That is my proposal.