Hosting the games is a big responsibility. It's too big for one federal department. It's too big for one level of government. You have to work together in a collaborative way with all your partners to achieve your objectives around the games.
The government recognized this and wanted to work early with the games organizers' bid committee to make sure they had the full support of the Government of Canada, and as Madam Mounier said, questions of official languages were top of mind when we were doing our preparations for the games. That is one of the reasons why, working with all of our partners, we negotiated the multi-party agreement--to make sure that it was absolutely clear what Canada's expectations were around the delivery of official languages at the games. As Madam Mounier said, the agreement was signed in 2002, in advance of the games award. The games award occurred in July 2003, and all the partners--the future games organizing committee and all of our government partners--are very much aware of the requirements that Canada has made in exchange for our significant contribution to the games.