We are taking care of that in a number of ways. A unit of the federal secretariat is especially dedicated to official languages. Its work is to ensure that the organizing committee respects those agreements. The organizing committee also has an official languages unit. Both groups are in constant contact to monitor the progress made.
We are keenly interested in the issue of services. We want to offer a bilingual interface: when the athletes and visitors arrive in Vancouver, we want them to be welcomed in the language of their choice, one of Canada's two official languages.
We are working in close cooperation with the organizing committee and overseeing its activities. We also made sure that the volunteers' positions were also offered to francophones across Canada. The organizing committee assured us that the applications of 11,000 volunteers with varying levels of fluency in French had been retained. VANOC will begin conducting interviews to ensure that all front-line volunteers can express themselves in both official languages.