The other subject is Tourism British Columbia. What appears on their Web site is regrettable.
I really find this totally unacceptable. I don't know if Tourism British Columbia is listening today, but we have two official languages in our country.
It's so sad to see on their Internet site the different countries with different languages. They have Australia. And Canada is there, but when you press “Canada”, the site is only in English. They have Mexico, which, for sure, probably will not be in French. And they have the United States and the United Kingdom, and everything there except French, whereas we have over a million francophone people outside of Quebec, across the country. In British Columbia there have been big numbers of francophones.
This is an international site. What about France, which will be a participant in our Olympics?
I find it very sad that they have not fixed it yet, or believe or say they're not covered by the law and don't have to do it. Yet it's the B.C. tourist site that is promoting the Olympics for our country.