You've taught me something. Correct me if I'm wrong. When we asked you how many complaints you had received, you answered that you did not know. I can understand that because you've just arrived. You then directed the question to Mr. Egglefield, who answered that the formal complaints, if I correctly understood, are not really... I believe instead that the complaints were filed in 2006. A recruit who enters the armed forces, whether male or female, must be strong and take what is going on or else he'll be washing the floor somewhere.
In the fall of 2006, the ombudsman went to CFB Borden and outlined his challenges in a letter to the Chief of Defence Staff, General Hillier, on January 8, 2007. In that letter, Mr. Côté explained that he had met a number of groups of unilingual francophone recruits who said they were having a lot of trouble getting services in their language. He said this was an urgent problem, that there was no reason to doubt the truth of the recruits' statements, and the base chiefs themselves acknowledged that it was difficult to provide services in French. The problems raised included, in particular, instructions and orders given in English only.
Has that changed in 2009?