Perhaps you could speak to the fact that some medical and police services are not available in French for service members at Borden. Is it because there's a lack of people available at other bases who could be transferred? Is it a lack of training resources for those staff?
We understand there are issues. That's why the ombudsman has indicated that, previously and today. I think what we're trying to do as committee members is to come up with solutions or ideas as to how we resolve this. It's difficult to do that as a committee if all that's being provided to us are the problems and there's no sense of the roots of these problems or a sense of where the solutions are.
My simple question is whether you could tell this committee what two or three things our government should do to resolve these issues. Is it in terms of money or of reallocating staff from Saint-Jean to Borden and vice versa? Is it a question of tendering again contracts for translation services that may be out there that are not up to standard? What are the two or three things that our government can do to more expeditiously address some of these concerns?