In terms of the diversity of course options, the French-speaking schools offer about half the courses that are available in English schools. Dorothée also mentioned the fact that the schools tend to be far away. Our elementary schools already serve large areas, but when they reach the secondary level, students may have to spend an hour getting to school and another hour going back home. Parents really have to be convinced of the benefit in order to persuade their children to go to French-language schools, even though they do not offer all the courses they may want to take.
With respect to school facilities, we provided a specific example earlier. In the Ottawa area, there are two schools in the same neighbourhood. The English-speaking secondary school has a triple gymnasium, whereas the French-speaking secondary school can only afford a half-gymnasium, because of its limited funding, which is allocated based on the number of students. We need additional assistance, and federal infrastructure program funding in order to be in a position to provide facilities comparable to those available in English schools. That really is part of the problem.