It was mentioned that the fact that you've obtained your operational funding could be announced, but project funding isn't yet available. A lot of Canadian organizations are currently waiting. As you mentioned, the funding may not arrive until the fall.
Now it's late June. You can't receive money and implement your projects the next day. That's virtually impossible. It takes time.
Let's consider the example of the Réseau des cégeps et des collèges francophones du Canada, which is waiting for project funding. If a number of months go by before it gets an answer, people will wind up panicking. You have to implement your projects, but at the same time you have to do your planning so you can get funding for next year.
Do you think you can operate efficiently when you're asked at the last minute to do 1,001 things, whereas everything could have been done well a long time ago, especially when we're talking about recurring agreements?