Those are two separate roles. First of all, my knowledge of the workings of the advisory committee is only partial and indirect. I've had a few conversations, but as an example, one of the things the advisory committee has been considering is the question of the opening and closing ceremonies, which they are keeping an absolute secret.
Mr. Chair, I'm assured that I will be pleased by the result, but as is totally their right, this is something they are keeping to themselves and they don't want anybody outside a very tight circle to know. The whole purpose is to have something that is going to be a surprise.
I have had conversations in the past with Judith LaRocque, the deputy minister who is a member of the advisory committee, and with Jacques Gauthier, who is a member of the advisory committee. I wasn't able, because of a conflict in schedule, to have a meeting with Mr. Raffarin yesterday. But I'm not a part of their discussions.
Similarly, on his way to his first visit to Vancouver, Monsieur Couchepin stopped off in Ottawa. I had a meeting with him. We had a very useful discussion, but he's not part of the advisory committee either. He reports to the International Organisation of the Francophonie. I made sure, as I did with Mr. Raffarin, that he had our reports, that he was aware of what we were doing. So he's aware of our activities.
Although we are all working in the same direction, we're all doing our work separately.