We followed the same procedure when the Liberals were in power. They were six on the committee, and they did not all always have a chance to speak. They never had a fit because they could not speak. Moreover, I am against limiting testimony to one hour. When we welcomed the witness this morning, we did not specify that his testimony would last from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. No specific timeframe was given. I think that the information we were given was extremely useful. I think that restricting our time with the witnesses, or cutting off their testimony at the end of one hour, is irresponsible and disrespectful. These people travelled here to see us. And on that topic, Mr. Blaney, I hope that you will play your role as chair and determine whether this is appropriate or not.
Let's please stop whining. It's awful. We look like school children, but we're parliamentarians. Take the time allotted to you. If some of you don't want to speak, then don't speak. You have that right. If some of our members don't want to speak during the fourth round, that's up to them. They are intelligent enough to make that decision themselves. But if we start fighting at every meeting, this committee's work will not go very well. We will never be able to work properly, and we will never deal with any issues as we should.