Yes. An airport is a 24-hour place and one of the things we had to work on with the official languages commissioner was where it was most effective to use the training and when you do it. Shifts, as my colleagues will attest, l start at four o'clock or five o'clock in the morning. We try to tailor it to shifts, when we can do it.
As Mr. Benoit has suggested, we're not really in a position to require our front line tenants to go off and do language training for quite a while. They can't do that, so we try to do it in ways such that it can work.
Again, it is a struggle, because we're finding. with the change in population in Toronto. that in the case of most of the people we need or are hiring, their mother tongue isn't English or French. In fact, their secondary tongue may not even be English or French. The first step is to have people trained to recognize French when they hear it.
That is part of the training we're doing to try to tailor it. As I say, the objective here is to make sure that the character of Canada comes out, and we hope we'll be able to do that.