Honestly, with regard to your web site, you have problems and that concerns you. You can come and tell us things about Tim Hortons, but, with regard to the web site, there are no more excuses. Really, we may look like a group of nasty people here this morning, but consider that we are in a bilingual country. We're saying we want to show the entire world that we live in a bilingual country, but we aren't bilingual at all. The act has been violated for 40 years. The FCFA report isn't positive. The Commissioner of Official Languages has been forced to get involved and now we're panicking because of the Olympic Games. I apologize and I don't want to say this in a nasty way, but I really don't care about the Olympic Games. The Official Languages Act has been around for 40 years. You can hire professionals for the web site. You aren't forced to hire newly arrived immigrants who don't speak French. I believe there must be Canadians, among the 33 million people who are able to look at the web site and to ensure that everything is written in both languages. That's where we realize that there is no will. This is insulting. You are subject to the Official Languages Act.
The law of our country is the Official Languages Act, and that problem is as simple as hiring somebody. If somebody goes onto the website, it has to be in both languages. On that one, I'm sorry, there's no excuse.
I was in Vancouver a couple of weeks ago. I went to the information centre and heard, “I'm sorry, but I don't speak French”. That was at the information centre, not Tim Hortons. If there's one place where people learn both languages, it's Vancouver. The Chinese community comes there and wants to learn both languages, and they know more than just saying, “Je m'excuse, je ne parle pas français”.
I want your reaction. Where is the failure here? Because, gentlemen, using something that is not accessible, like the website, so that you cannot do it, what else can you do? I mean, this one here, it just means money: you hire somebody to get it done.