Thank you, Madam Chair. Good morning, Mr. Commissioner, ladies.
I will begin by reading you a passage from an article that appeared in Le Figaro last November 9th, entitled “Le français boudé aux JO de Vancouver” [French snubbed at Vancouver Olympic Games]:
With 100 days to go before the opening ceremonies of the Vancouver Olympic Games, the organizing committee's performance in bilingualism leaves a lot to be desired. Fewer than 15% of the 25,000 volunteers will speak French. It is small consolation that they will be deployed in strategic locations and will wear a pin saying “Bonjour”.
I will now read you a letter from Albert Salon, a former ambassador, president of Avenir de la langue française and president of the Front francophone international, sent to Minister Alain Joyandet, Secretary of State for Cooperation and la Francophonie.
The letter reads as follows:
Mr. Minister, If what was said in Le Figaro is true, what can the Government of France do to attempt to raise the bar? In Canada, a country that boasts that it is officially bilingual from sea to sea [d'un océan à l'autre], what a dubious distinction! Worse than the Olympic Games in Beijing?!... Perhaps we could impress upon the federal and British Columbia organizers that to allow this to happen would once more send a clear signal to the francophones of Quebec and the rest of Canada, as well to the people of France, to other francophones and to the OIF of which Canada, including Quebec and New Brunswick, is an important member, that it really looks like the “Anglos” are attempting to stifle the French fact over there... Looking to you for help and still devoted to our cause, I remain, yours sincerely, Alain Salon, Former Ambassador, President of “Avenir de la langue française” and of FFI-France.
Mr. Chairman, do we have to postpone the Winter Olympic Games until June 2010 in order to ensure respect for the francophonie? Should we use that ski hill in Dubai that is having the financial problems? If we did, we could hold the skiing events of the Winter Olympic Games in June.