Again, part of the standardization idea is to make it so there aren't several different codes for someone to learn.
In English, it is the same thing; there are three or four codes. We have Nemeth. In French, there is the Antoine Code.
The idea was to make it so that people don't have to learn
the literary, mathematical, and scientific components.
It's to simplify it.
I wouldn't want to, because I am....
I study French, but I am not a francophone,
even though I speak it.
I wouldn't want to disagree. I respect what they have to say because it's their mother tongue. It's their first language, and in that sense how they feel about it is more relevant than what I think, as a français langue seconde, someone who uses it as a second language.
I can tell you what the advantages are, and I can tell you it's important for francophones, wherever they are, to have equal access. But again, I wouldn't want to overrule what someone says who has French as their mother tongue.