That is an excellent question. I could not tell you where things are at. However, it is clear that certain benchmarks have not been established, and we don't really know who is in charge of setting, directing or coordinating them right now.
For example, there is the recognition of credentials. Human Resources and Social Development Canada is currently working on this issue to ensure that new Canadians are well integrated, that they find work and remain in the country. Citizenship and Immigration Canada is also working on the recognition of foreign credentials.
However, these two organizations are not working together. Each department seems to be operating in its own silo. Therefore, we cannot say that the machinery of government is working in an efficient and streamlined manner. In the course of our representations, be it with the Secretariat for Official Languages, the OLSPB, Human Resources and Social Development Canada, or Citizenship and Immigration Canada, we kept on wondering how all of these organizations would coordinate their efforts. As it currently stands, interdepartmental cooperation is not really happening.