First I'm going to ask my question. Then you can do it if there is any time left.
Do you have any statistics on the anglophone population and anglophone immigration in Quebec during the same period of time?
In addition, you stopped at 1991. Would the 1986 Census questions make it possible to go back even further, or did the questions change at that time?
Then you said it seems that francophone immigrants are settling in different places in urban centres, more downtown than in the suburbs. Can we consider that that can be explained by mainly economic reasons, or are there any other reasons that you could give?
Lastly, about a month and a half ago, Statistics Canada made public its projections for the visible minorities populations for 2031. Are there any linguistic projections for 2031? Is anyone planning to prepare them, if there aren't? Could you start that, and how much would it cost?
Thank you. All that cost me two and a half minutes.