Good morning, everyone.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for inviting us to make a presentation as part of your study on immigration to the francophone and Acadian communities. In preparing our presentation, we revisited the discussions that took place in this committee during a similar study in 2003. From the committee's report at the time, we were able to see just how current many issues still are, but also how far we have progressed in seven years.
It must be borne in mind that the immigration file is a very recent one; it originated with the “Dialogue” tour organized by the FCFA in 1999-2000. Let's look at the advances that have been made since then.
In its 2003 report, your committee encouraged our communities to take over this file and to make immigration a long-term collective project to ensure our development. We have done that; we have taken the leadership role.
Networks have been put in place in virtually all provinces and territories to promote the recruitment, intake and integration of newcomers in our communities.
In 2007, at the Summit of Francophone and Acadian Communities, we adopted a definition that includes in our francophonie every person who chooses to live and communicate in French, regardless of his or her mother tongue or origin. An analysis recently conducted for the FCFA of the progress that has been made in implementing the Summit vision shows that immigration is the priority on which the largest number of organizations in the francophone community are focused.
That's not counting the impact in the field. I'm very pleased to see the representatives of the Franco-Manitoban community here this morning, in particular Francophone Hospitality, which has done an excellent job in support of hundreds of newcomers since it opened. I'm also thinking of the Centre d'accueil et d'intégration des immigrants du Moncton métropolitain, of the three major francophone immigration support networks in Ontario and of the Francophone Settlement Centre in Edmonton, to name only a few.
Let's also consider the figures. A snapshot of the French-language immigrant population reveals a number of issues and challenges that we are taking note of. It also shows some promising advances. We note that the immigration population whose first official language spoken is French, alone or with other languages, represents 13% of the population of our communities, compared to 8% in 1991.
French-language immigrants now represent more than 20% of the francophone population in British Columbia and more than 10% in Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, Alberta and the Yukon. The fact remains that we are still far from achieving our minimum target of 4.4% of the total immigrant population that enters the country every year.
However, our communities are changing, and we have done more than simply take note of that fact. We have seized the leadership role and have taken action to recruit, take in and integrate francophone newcomers.
Many factors have helped us in this effort. The current government launched the Strategic Plan to Foster Immigration to Francophone Minority Communities in 2006. I also want to note the renewed leadership of Citizenship and Immigration Canada, particularly the Steering Committee, in which the FCFA has moreover played a prominent coordination role.
That said, the immigration file is a very complex one and presents a number of challenges. I am going to touch on three major classes of challenges: recruitment, integration and intake.
First let's talk about the recruitment of newcomers. A noteworthy advance has been the organization of “Destination Canada” tours, through the leadership of Canada's embassy in Paris. Our communities have been taking part in this program for a number of years now, together with their provincial and territorial governments, and we are already seeing promising results.
However, recruitment also means preparing for arrival in Canada. Our experience in recent years has taught us the importance of orientation and preparation sessions preceding candidates' departure to facilitate their economic integration once in Canada. We know that these sessions are currently being offered in China, the Philippines and India, and soon will be offered in London. However, they are not being offered in francophone countries, and this is definitely a shortcoming that must be corrected.
Now let's talk about integration issues. It will not be news to you that the recognition of credentials is a crucially important aspect of economic integration.
There are a number of promising initiatives in this area. In particular, the Consortium national de formation en santé has developed a project designed to assist professionals trained outside Canada. In this credential recognition file, however, we must deplore the major weaknesses in interdepartmental and intergovernmental cooperation, particularly with regard to key professions in the francophone community such as speech therapy, teaching and medical disciplines.
It is essential that we correct this situation. There is a clear role for Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and the economic departments of the provinces and territories, but also for Citizenship and Immigration Canada in the area of coordination.
Since we're talking about provincial and territorial governments, I want to say how pleased we are that the Ministerial Conference on the Canadian Francophonie has made immigration its major priority. In particular, the Conference met with its network of francophone affairs officers in March and, for the first time, also invited those responsible for the francophone immigration file in the provinces and territories.
However, the action taken by the provincial governments must be linked to the communities' priorities. It is essential that the provinces and territories set francophone immigration targets, and here I will cite the example of Manitoba, which is actively using its provincial nominee program.
Another step forward is definitely the systematic inclusion of language clauses in federal-provincial/territorial agreements, as this committee recommended in 2003, and we want to recognize that fact. That said, however, we must monitor how those clauses are interpreted and enforced in the field.
This leads me to intake-related issues. As I said earlier, a number of francophone immigration networks have been established across the country. Some have already proven themselves, while others are developing. All need reinforcement. Achieving the objectives of the Strategic Plan, particularly with regard to the intake and integration of newcomers, will depend on our ability to support francophone intake and settlement structures already in place and to create new ones.
Lastly, now that we've discussed the issues concerning the recruitment-intake-integration chain, let's talk about evaluation. Citizenship and Immigration Canada currently has a set of criteria based on the Roadmap for Canada's Linguistic Duality and on its own programs. However, that does not take into account, for example, what is being done at Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. To get a complete picture of our progress, to determine the actual impact our actions have had on communities and immigrants, we need an evaluation framework that goes beyond the Roadmap, beyond the department, an evaluation framework that includes all partners and be defined with the communities.
Ultimately, we somewhat get the impression that we are delivering the same message as two weeks ago in our appearance on the mid-term evaluation of the Roadmap: the future of the francophone immigration file will depend on strong leadership, better interdepartmental coordination, better intergovernmental cooperation and better linkages with the communities.
So I will close with four major recommendations that I invite you to include in your report:
That a national immigration policy be put in place in the francophone and acadian communities. That policy, which is referred to in the Strategic Plan, would more clearly define intergovernmental and interdepartmental cooperation in this matter and would ensure better linkages between government and community actions.
That Citizenship and Immigration Canada work with Industry Canada, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and with the provinces to develop a plan for the economic integration of francophone immigrants. From time to time, it should be possible to relax program criteria and to provide for targeted initiatives for francophone immigrants.
That Citizenship and Immigration Canada develop a comprehensive evaluation framework for francophone immigration that includes all partners and is developed jointly with the communities.
That the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration also proceed with a study on francophone immigration and, more broadly, that it include the issue of francophone immigration in all its studies.
The work that awaits us in the francophone immigration file is of course considerable, as are the challenges and issues we must face. We have been committed to this path for 10 years now, and we are here to stay because we have a vision—a vision of open, inclusive and diversified communities where all francophones, regardless of origin, can find a home, grow and develop and contribute to the development of their community. It is these living communities that we want for our children.
Thank you. I am now ready to answer your questions.