Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Good morning to all our guests. As you see, this is a subject that we're passionately interested in and would like to discuss for a long time.
First I'd like to talk about the table you presented to us, Ms. Martin-Laforge.
Mr. Donnelly, you said that table was very revealing. It's a table that describes retention. I'm surprised to see that education is one of the reasons why immigrants are not retained in Quebec, since it costs less to study in Quebec.
I'm interested to know whether you prepared the same table by identifying the language spoken by immigrants, indicating whether the individual is a unilingual francophone?
You didn't do it. That could also be interesting. I can readily understand the economic aspect. Immigrants definitely come to Canada to have a better quality of life. You have to start by finding work; I understand that. With regard to education, I'm surprised. Can you briefly explain that result to me?