Last year, in 2008-2009, the steering committee's priority was to strengthen the networks, including strengthening hospitality structures. We've seen great progress in recent years, particularly last year. And we can see a lot of variety across the country, but assistance and support and support for integration are definitely central to that. Not everyone goes to the airport.
Initiatives are also being created, which is very good, but not everyone has been able to do that. We were talking about the regions earlier. In Alberta, for example, there are two structures for the moment: one in Edmonton and the other in Calgary. We sense a need in the communities of Fort McMurray and Grand Prairie. No new structure has been created in those places, but the people from Edmonton ensure the liaison. A post is in place at both locations. A little of everything is being done on a smaller scale, but we're nevertheless managing to provide liaison.
There is a way to be flexible and innovative in our method of delivering services. CIC very definitely plays a central role. Funding has gone to settlement in British Columbia and Manitoba. For the other places, it's mainly CIC. The governments of those two provinces play a major role, but the other provinces are also involved in services. Alberta plays a role, in part. So it is possible to involve various players at various levels.