Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for this invitation to speak with you today.
My name is Les Linklater and I am the Assistant Deputy Minister for Strategic and Program Policy at Citizenship and Immigration Canada and now the department's Champion for Official Languages. I am accompanied by Yves Saint-Germain, CIC's Director of Information, Language and Community Program Policy, and my colleagues from Foreign Affairs.
I have some short opening remarks and we would then be happy to take your questions. As you know, Mr. Chairman, the Government of Canada supports measures to encourage the vitality of official language communities in Canada. This support informs all of our programs and policy.
Several times in the past year, our minister, the Honourable Jason Kenney, has noted the government's tripling of settlement funding—which includes language training—and his belief in the need to ensure that newcomers to Canada demonstrate ability in one of our official languages.
As part of the Government of Canada's 2008 Roadmap for Canada's Linguistic Duality, our department pledged to coordinate an overall investment of $30 million until 2013 to support francophone minority communities. Accordingly, CIC has reserved $10 million in settlement funding to continue and enhance activities already in place under the Strategic Plan to Foster Immigration to Francophone Minority Communities.
This includes implementing community networks for immigration and improving the delivery of settlement services to French-speaking immigrants and refugees. In addition, the Government of Canada, through the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), allocated an additional $10 million to assist the Government of New Brunswick in preserving that province's linguistic profile in recruiting francophone immigrants.
As immigration is a major factor in how we build this country, CIC is committed to supporting francophone minority communities through immigration.
Our approach is to ensure that francophone immigrants obtain the services they need to integrate in French into Canadian society and the labour market. These services can include information and orientation, needs assessment, language training, employment support, and other community programs.
I would like to address these goals of the department and the action we are taking to support francophone communities outside Quebec.
As you know, Mr. Chair, the work we do in this area requires working with many partners. That is why in 2002 the department created the CIC francophone minority communities steering committee. This committee brings together representatives from federal departments and agencies, provinces and territories, and representatives of official language minority communities to foster immigration to francophone minority communities and to help these communities benefit from immigration. The committee's next meeting is on May 10; this will be a chance to take stock of the progress accomplished and to reflect on the priorities for the year.
The relationship between CIC and the francophone community goes beyond the formal structure. We regularly meet with Marc Arnal, the community representative with whom I co-chair the steering committee. CIC employees also collaborate with other community representatives on a regular basis, including the comité de mise en oeuvre, which is also co-chaired by CIC and community representatives.
Mr. Chair, as you may know, in September 2006 the committee launched the strategic plan to foster immigration to francophone minority communities. The key goal of this plan was to increase the number of French-speaking immigrants settling outside Quebec to 4.4% by 2023 to match the percentage of Canadians outside Quebec whose mother tongue is French, based on the 2001 census. An intermediate target of 1.8% by 2013 has been identified.
This timeline reflects the challenges in recruiting French-speaking immigrants to settle outside Quebec. Given these challenges, part of my role at CIC as champion of official languages is to identify specific initiatives to create tangible results for French-speaking immigrants and the francophone minority communities where they settle. These initiatives include promotion and recruitment, settlement, retention, and long-term integration.
I would like to take a moment to outline some of these initiatives in more detail.
CIC has intensified promotional programs to encourage potential immigrants and students to come to francophone minority communities in Canada and to inform them of the services that are available. An example of this of which we are quite proud is Destination Canada, our major promotional event, which is held every year. Last year it was held in November with our missions in Paris and Brussels and attracted over 2,220 people.
It also included the participation of six other CIC missions, employers, representatives of provinces and territories, and our community partners. Also taking part were the Réseau de développement économique et d'employabilité—RDÉE—Canada, regional RDÉEs, and la Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne—la FCFA.
I should note, Mr. Chairman, in discussing immigration levels with provinces and territories, the department also promotes the flexibility provided by the different immigration classes, including the Provincial Nominees Program, in order to maximize the opportunities to foster francophone immigration to minority communities.
Secondly, CIC is undertaking several projects to address French-speaking newcomers' integration into Canadian society and our economy. Here are a few examples. First, there's the creation and strengthening of community networks from coast to coast; second, a pilot project with RDEE Canada in three cities—Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto—to promote and recruit francophone immigrants as well as create a job bank that matches them with employers in francophone minority communities in those cities; third, an enhanced language training program to help improve work place and professional language skills of immigrants in London, Ottawa and Windsor; fourth, a professional mentoring program from francophone newcomers in Toronto; and, fifth, awareness sessions for employers in Regina and Saskatoon to promote francophone newcomers in those centres.
In addition, there will be job fairs in Toronto, Ottawa and Sudbury in the near future. There will also be work placement programs for French-speaking newcomers in Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia. Lastly, there was the launch of a Best Practices Manual on Francophone Immigration in Canada at the most recent Metropolis conference in Montreal.
The department is also working to build the capacity of French-speaking communities to welcome and retain newcomers. An example of this was Minister Kenney's announcement last September of support for l'Accueil francophone, from Winnipeg's St. Boniface area, who appeared before you on Tuesday.
CIC has also modified its data collection system to better reflect the number of francophone immigrants coming to Canada, according to the definition of a French-speaking immigrant put forward by the strategic plan. As such, all application forms for temporary and permanent residence have now been modified to ask applicants which of Canada's official languages they use most frequently. This information will be captured systematically and electronically as our new global case management system is implemented over the coming year.
Finally, we are stressing the importance of Canada's linguistic duality in our flagship publications. On the citizenship and multiculturalism fronts, the Discover Canada guide recognizes the contribution of both French and English to the definition of Canada's day-to-day reality. We are also doing this in the Welcome to Canada publication and the “Going to Canada” web portal. These also highlight the government's responsibility to provide services in both official languages.
Mr. Chairman, I should note that our department also supports activities targeted to English-speaking minority communities in Quebec. This includes citizenship ceremonies organized in English in Quebec, research projects and other multicultural initiatives to build bridges between all communities in the province. The programs respect the Canada-Quebec Accord, under which Quebec has sole responsibility for selection of immigrants destined to Quebec as well as for reception and integration of permanent residents in Quebec.
In other jurisdictions, we are continuing to ensure that our FPT agreements reflect our commitment to strengthen the vitality of official language minority communities.
In closing, Mr. Chairman, I wish to note that CIC remains committed to complying with the Official Languages Act in our programs, in order to recognize Canada's linguistic duality as one of the foundations of our society. While we are accomplishing many of its objectives in supporting francophone minority communities across Canada, we must admit the challenge francophone newcomers can face to settle in these communities and the challenge government can face in supporting these newcomers.
CIC will continue to work to develop an overall picture of everything being done to support Francophone immigration and to identify the gaps, needs and the limitations to achieving them. But the Government of Canada cannot do this alone. We must continue to work with community organizations, employers and of course, other governments, to support and promote francophone communities across Canada.
Thank you again for your invitation to speak with you today. I’ll now hand over to my colleagues from Foreign Affairs before answering your questions.