Mr. Chairman, committee members, thank you for this opportunity to present New Brunswick's achievements with regard to immigration as a development tool in official language minority communities.
As a result of bilingualism and its cultural wealth, New Brunswick is an exceptional place. As it is the only officially bilingual province, special efforts have to be made to maintain the linguistic balance as its population increases. That is why francophone immigration is a priority for New Brunswick.
I'll start my presentation with an overview of the agreement reached with ACOA, the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, and partnerships enabling the Government of New Brunswick to support the vitality of the Acadian and francophone communities. I'll continue with a presentation of the current situation and finish by telling you about future steps.
The Government of New Brunswick is deploying dynamic strategies to promote francophone immigration. As a result of the Canada-New Brunswick Agreement on Provincial Nominees, we have a mechanism enabling us to increase the economic benefits of immigration. Our recruitment initiatives in francophone countries have produced promising results, but we must step up our promotional and recruitment activities. Much remains to be done.
We won't be able to take advantage of recent successes if we do not continue recruiting while we build our institutional infrastructure. New Brunswick has designated demographic growth as a cornerstone for our future. The government has introduced a demographic growth strategy and has undertaken to increase the number of immigrants to the province by at least 5,000 a year between now and 2015. It has also made a commitment to preserving New Brunswick's linguistic profile among recruited immigrants.
To better attract, recruit, integrate and retain francophone newcomers, the provincial government has developed a program based on the Roadmap for Canada's Linguistic Duality. The provincial program provides for a number of strategic activities designed to increase the number of francophone immigrants. In September, AOCA signed a $10 million agreement with the Government of New Brunswick to support francophone immigration. This involves approximately $2 million a year over four fiscal years. The agreement signed with ACOA will support and strengthen efforts made to bring francophone immigrants to New Brunswick.
Taking a larger number of francophone immigrants into the francophone community helps maintain the gains made in those communities, while affording immigrants an opportunity to contribute. To do this, our involvement in the Roadmap is stepping up actions taken to facilitate recruitment and immigration, particularly by supporting francophone immigration to New Brunswick.
The province's objective is not just to increase the number of francophone immigrants, but also to facilitate their intake and integration into our communities. Our plan takes into consideration all initiatives carried out as well as the status of existing services. The purpose of the plan is thus to better equip the francophone communities to enable them to fully play their immigration role.
Our settlement framework entails four major long-term objectives: increase the number of francophone immigrants; reinforce the francophone community's ability to attract immigrants; facilitate the economic integration of newcomers into our francophone communities; and, lastly, facilitate newcomers' socio-cultural integration. These objectives will be achieved through specific activities: supporting promotion of the province in francophone markets and enhancing New Brunswick's appeal among francophone immigrants; implementing settlement assistance services in the francophone regions; involving employers and the business community, as well as local economic development agencies; and, lastly, improving promotion and recruitment activities.
Through greater recruitment efforts, we anticipate an increase in provincial nominees and temporary work permits. Our recruitment and promotion efforts will also target international students attending or considering attending the Université de Moncton and the province's community colleges. A promotional kit will be designed and distributed to international partners, New Brunswick's ambassadors and the Alliance française. Candidates with working holiday visas will be recruited in France, Belgium and Switzerland. New Brunswick wants the francophone regions to have settlement capacity. The objective is to ensure that the communities have the necessary tools to address the issues relating to diversity and multiculturalism in the regions, both rural and urban.
In regions where there is no settlement assistance service, the communities, through the program, will be able to offer newcomers services similar to those provided by the urban centres. To secure community commitment, it is important, first and foremost, to involve community leaders and stakeholders in establishing a local immigration and multiculturalism committee.
The provinces are working in cooperation with the municipalities, the regional economic development agencies, the existing community agencies, community leaders and, as necessary, other funding agencies to create local immigration and multiculturalism committees focused on the creation and oversight of immigrant services agencies.
The goal is to create regional resource centres for immigrants, in partnership with community stakeholders. The agencies in Fredericton, Moncton and St. John will also receive support to improve existing services. Since the Roadmap promotes a joint approach by the various partners and helps consolidate existing networks, the Government of New Brunswick is currently developing an integrated approach.
The government has also signed a partnership agreement with the Société de l'Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick to enable it to: encourage its members to take part in local francophone immigration and settlement committees; establish a working group of francophone community immigration stakeholders to consult stakeholders and gather their opinions on francophone immigration; and take part in the francophone immigration and settlement working group chaired by the Demographic Growth Secretariat, consisting of representatives of the SANB and the federal and provincial governments.
This agreement signed with SANB will enable the government to pursue these strategic objectives: increase the awareness of the Acadian and francophone community of the wealth of the province's cultural diversity and of the opportunities afforded by immigration; the opportunities for newcomers to better grasp the socio-political and cultural context in which they find themselves; and joint action by community stakeholders and the Government of New Brunswick to promote the introduction of settlement and integration activities.
After the agreement was signed with ACOA, a steering committee was struck by the Demographic Growth Secretariat to oversee the project's direction and progress. It includes other stakeholders concerned by francophone immigration, such as ACOA, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, the Department of Canadian Heritage, Status of Women Canada, Service Canada, Intergovernmental Affairs, the provincial Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour and the Regional Development Corporation.
The Demographic Growth Secretariat is currently examining proposals for the fiscal year that meet the objectives of the agreement reached with ACOA. Two immigrant reception centres are now open: the Centre de ressources pour les immigrants operated by the Association multiculturelle, Chaleur de Bathurst region, and the Centre d'accueil des nouveaux arrivants de la Péninsule acadienne, in Caraquet.
The regions of Madawaska—Victoria and Restigouche—Chaleur are establishing their own immigration and multiculturalism committees. They intend to offer immigrant resource centres in those regions soon. As for the Southeast—Kent region, the Secretariat is working with local community leaders to optimize available resources to assist immigrants who have chosen to settle in those regions.
In the three urban centres of Fredericton, Moncton and St. John, there are funds for existing immigrant services agencies and francophone social services agencies so they can improve their settlement assistance service for francophone newcomers.
Now let's look at the next steps. The goal isn't just to increase the number of francophone immigrants in the francophone communities, but also to facilitate their intake and integration in those communities. In cooperation with service providers and the federal government, the Government of New Brunswick will be adopting measures to ensure optimum integration of francophone newcomers, while facilitating the implementation of and access to French-language services.
The government will step up its efforts to recruit francophone immigrants and to promote New Brunswick as a preferred destination. Documentation designed to improve services provided to francophone immigrants will be updated.
A promotional support program will also be set up to offer a new source of funding in addition to the federal government's program for non-profit organizations, professional associations and other stakeholders so they can pay travel expenses incurred when they represent New Brunswick employers in activities organized outside Canada for the purpose of recruiting francophone immigrants. We will continue to ensure that the francophone regions of New Brunswick have settlement capacity. In addition, we will be assisting immigrant service agencies in improving their program delivery and support for newcomers.
In conclusion, it is no easy task to reverse declining population. The government cannot do it alone. In addition, special attention must still be given in New Brunswick to maintaining linguistic balance.
I have just described for you the process designed to step up our efforts to recruit francophone immigrants and to build the necessary infrastructure to promote their social and economic integration. However, to increase francophone immigration, it is essential that all interested parties take part in the process in order to attract and welcome francophone immigrants.
The role of the government of New Brunswick is to facilitate and coordinate these efforts, but all interested parties must contribute so that those efforts are successful.