Good morning, ladies and gentlemen members of the Standing Committee on Official Languages. My name is Guy Jourdain. I am the Executive Director of the Government of Manitoba's Francophone Affairs Secretariat and with me is Daniel Cayen, Assistant Deputy Minister of the Government of Ontario's Office of Francophone Affairs.
Today we are representing the Ministerial Conference on the Canadian Francophonie—which I will simply call the conference in the rest of my remarks—at the request of our two respective ministers, namely Mr. Greg Selinger, Premier of Manitoba and Minister responsible for Francophone Affairs, and Ms. Madeleine Meilleur, Minister responsible for Francophone Affairs of Ontario. Both, of course, are members of the conference.
We would like to thank the Standing Committee on Official Languages for the invitation to the conference to delegate representatives to appear before it today. We consider this invitation as an important acknowledgement of the conference's role as a key player in the area of Canadian francophonie.
Since francophone immigration is a major theme within the Canadian francophonie, the conference is pleased to note that your committee is undertaking a study on immigration as a tool for the development of official language minority communities. The conference has been devoting continuous efforts to the issue of francophone immigration for almost two years. We would like to touch on the following themes with you today: first, the conference's comprehensive vision with respect to the issue of francophone immigration to Canada; second, the need to strengthen intra-governmental and intergovernmental relations with regard to francophone migration; third, the key role of civil society in the area of francophone immigration; and, fourth, the contribution the conference wishes to make to the future of francophone immigration to Canada.
Before going to the heart of the matter, I'd like to say a few words about the conference. It is an important intergovernmental forum that promotes dialogue and cooperation among the federal, provincial and territorial governments regarding the Canadian francophonie. It consists of the ministers responsible for the Canadian francophonie from all provinces and territories of Canada as well as the federal minister responsible for official languages. I should make clear that we are here today strictly on behalf of the governments of the provinces and territories, with the exception of Alberta, which abstains from taking a position on this matter in the current circumstances.
The conference ministers work in a concerted way to advance issues affecting the Canadian francophonie and take action to foster its development. To fulfil the conference's mandate, the ministers meet annually to focus on various topics and to take measures conducive to strengthening the Canadian francophonie.
I would now like to move on to the first theme that I identified earlier, the conference's comprehensive vision on the issue of francophone immigration to Canada. The substance of the conference's actions with regard to francophone immigration draws from the report it produced in 2006 entitled, Canadian Francophonie: Issues, Challenges and Future Directions. I believe a copy of that report was submitted to the clerk. It presents a summary of the principal issues, challenges and future prospects for the Canadian francophonie, based on consultations held throughout the country with provincial and territorial governments, as well as with many francophone organizations at the sectoral, local, provincial-territorial and national levels. The report proposes priorities for action in the immigration sector, among others. The conference believes that francophone immigration is an element essential to the vitality of the French fact in Canada and is of crucial importance to the Canadian francophonie as a whole.
Francophone immigration has become an essential avenue for the demographic growth of the Canadian francophonie. Governments must, therefore, develop public policy and concrete strategies in this area that focus on the ultimate goal of ensuring the ongoing development of the Canadian francophonie.
It is important to point out that, in recent years, significant progress has been made throughout the country with respect to francophone immigration. Thus, a number of governments are already supporting numerous initiatives that testify to the importance of francophone immigration. Furthermore, you will have had the opportunity to hear from witnesses from certain provincial and territorial departments responsible for immigration, including the New Brunswick department, this morning.
Today, the conference wishes to highlight the progress that has been made and emphasize the need to continue efforts that are already underway. To this end, aligning actions among all government players with a stake in this issue is absolutely necessary. It is from this perspective that the conference sets its priorities for action in this area. Lastly, we wish to point out that Quebec, which has a general policy that it will not appear or be represented before federal committees, has a specific agreement with the federal government with respect to immigration.
Now I would like to address the second theme, the need to strengthen intra-governmental and intergovernmental relations with regard to francophone immigration. At a federal-provincial/territorial meeting held in Vancouver on September 23 and 24, 2009, conference ministers affirmed the importance of the issue of francophone immigration to Canada and pledged to play a strategic role in this area. In one of its actions, the conference encourages increased cooperation between the federal, provincial and territorial governments with respect to francophone immigration. We believe that more concerted action on the part of the various governments on this issue will foster the development of synergy in their efforts.
During the past year, the conference partnered with the National Metropolis Pre-Conference on Francophone Immigration in Canada to organize an initial meeting of representatives from federal, provincial and territorial governments, francophone communities and the research community to increase dialogue and discussion in this area.
During the pre-conference, discussion topics included: the roles and responsibilities of the various levels of government working in this area; the roles played by non-governmental organizations and local partners in recruiting, settling and reintegrating francophone newcomers; and, lastly, ways to promote the creation and maintenance of strong francophone networks in Canada.
In particular, the pre-conference allowed conference members to build stronger ties with public servants from immigration ministries and at a pan-Canadian level. In doing so, the conference positioned itself so that its members can more effectively perform their role of catalyst within their respective governments and promote a strengthening of intra-governmental relations in the area of francophone immigration.
Similarly, it is important to point out that the Strategic Plan to Foster Immigration to Francophone Minority Communities launched by the federal government in 2006 proposes, among other things, essential elements that favour aligning policies and programs aimed at immigration and francophone communities. The conference generally agrees with the main outlines of the strategic plan and considers it a valuable tool for fostering cooperation among the governments themselves, on one hand, and between governments and civil society, on the other.
I would now like now to move on to the third theme, the key role of civil society in the area of francophone immigration. As we are speaking of civil society, we must say that, while governments have a crucial role to play, the role of communities occupies just as important a place. Specifically, the contribution of civil society is essential to the development of public policy. Ongoing dialogue with communities as well as among the various governments is crucial in order to develop strategic directions and to advance the issue of francophone immigration. In particular, communities have a strategic role to play at every step in the development of reception, retention and integration structures for recent immigrants. Ongoing dialogue with the community as well as among the various governments is crucial in order to advance the issue of francophone immigration toward orientations and measures that meet real, clearly-defined needs.
I am now going to move on to the fourth and final theme, the contribution the conference wishes to make to the future of francophone immigration to Canada. In light of the remarks that we have already made, the conference desires increased cooperation between governments, focused on action strategies that aim to better align government efforts in the area of francophone immigration to our country. This is where the conference intends mainly to focus its action.
The conference has made a contribution in bringing together major players from the francophone immigration sector and in creating a positive dynamic. The conference and the various stakeholders should capitalize on this positive dynamic to achieve progress without delay. The conference intends to exercise a role of leadership and influence in the area of immigration. During their next meeting in Yellowknife on June 22 and 23, conference ministers will continue their reflection with the goal of setting definite directions for action on this issue.
On behalf of the Ministerial Conference on the Canadian Francophonie, I would like to thank you, ladies and gentlemen, members of the Standing Committee on Official Languages, for having invited the conference and allowing it to share its position with you.
Thank you very much.