You, the young people of today, are much more open to the world. You have the Internet now, which was not the case for us at the time.
When you're an immigrant and you arrive in a country where there are a number of languages, in this case two official languages, English and French... When I arrived in Ottawa, I only knew three words: "yes", "no" and "toaster". I spoke no English. I did a deal with my anglophone co-workers: I spoke English to them, but I demanded that they speak French to me. What we said to each other wasn't always brilliant, but now when we speak, we manage to do it in both languages. I've always seen the ability to speak a number of languages as an advantage. It was an opening onto the world for me.
I would like you to tell me how Canada is presented to you in your country in a way that would make you come and settle here. The question is mainly for you, Mr. Apollinaire.