Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I am the Director of the Fédération acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse. I am accompanied by Donald Kenny, Director of the Halifax campus of the Université Sainte-Anne. We would like to thank you for this opportunity to present our views on Francophone immigration.
For several years, the population of minority Francophone communities, especially in our province, has been declining. This population decline is the result of several factors: a lower birthrate, an aging population, the rural exodus, among others. Faced with this issue, the community is focussing on immigration as one of the solutions.
The primary mission of the FANE is to neutralize the assimilation of Francophones in the province and enrich this country's two official languages. Its main goals are: to promote the shared interests of the Francophone population of Nova Scotia; to develop a dialogue between Francophone associations, institutions, agencies and organizations in Nova Scotia; to act as both an interest group and a community development organization; to act as the official spokesperson for the Francophone population of Nova Scotia; and, to ensure the linguistic, cultural, economic, social and political survival, as well as the development, of the Acadian people in Nova Scotia.
From its beginnings, the Fédération acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse has contributed to the emergence and development of a number of files, relating to educational, economic, political, and sociocultural issues, as well as to youth, women, seniors, literacy, immigration and communications. The FANE also pressured the provincial government to move forward on adopting the French Services Act in 2004, which is now in effect.
Since 2006, and thanks to financial support from Citizenship and Immigration Canada, or CIC, and from the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration, the FANE has been providing settlement services to Francophone immigrants through its Francophone immigration program. We now serve approximately 200 Francophone immigrants in Nova Scotia. The goals of the FANE's Francophone immigration project are as follows: to increase the number of newcomers settling in Nova Scotia and retain those who are already here; to foster the integration of newcomers to the province, specifically into the Acadian and Francophone community; and to expand the capacity of the Acadian and Francophone communities in Nova Scotia to receive and integrate newcomers. We have also participated a number of times in international recruitment activities, such as Destination Canada, in cooperation with the province. We are also contributing to the province's repopulation strategy by recommending potential economic Francophone immigrants under the Nova Scotia Nominee Program.
The Acadian and Francophone community in our province was able to be part of the first provincial immigration strategy beginning in 2005. Since then, we have seen a slow but steady increase in Francophone immigration to Nova Scotia. Furthermore, the Acadian and Francophone community in Nova Scotia enjoys excellent relations with the Office of Immigration, which offers bilingual capacity and is investing $100,000 in the Francophone immigration project. With a view to advancing Francophone immigration in our province, the FANE decided six years ago to establish a provincial steering committee composed of the main community players, including the Université Sainte-Anne, and involving the participation of our main government partners, such as CIC and the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration. Our current activities are guided by a five-year action plan. Increasingly, Francophone community activists are taking an interest, and especially, getting involved in several different areas, including training, employability, health services for immigrants or services for immigrant women. We can also rely on our excellent relations with the Immigration Office and the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada, who sit on the committee as observers.
At the regional level in the Atlantic provinces, the Société Nationale de l'Acadie has also developed a work plan with key stakeholders in the four Atlantic provinces in order to strengthen and bring sharper focus to our work in the area of promotion and advocacy, as well as dialogue and cooperation. We also sit on the CIC Steering Committee - Francophone Minority Communities, which is coordinated by the FCFA. However, despite these plans and a lot of enthusiasm, we are facing some very major challenges, particularly those related to rural immigration. Some communities are faring well, such as Baie Sainte-Marie or the Municipality of Clare, in Southwestern Nova Scotia, thanks to the presence of the Université Sainte-Anne, among other factors.
However, the Halifax region is a natural magnet for immigrants in general, and a proportion of them are Francophone. Resources for providing equivalent services in French are often unavailable when they arrive. In spite of what the province told you recently at these hearings, to the effect that ISIS—Immigrant Settlement and Integration Services—was providing services in French and was a small organization, you should know that, in actual fact, ISIS offers very few services in French—practically none. Its website is in English only and is huge, compared to available resources in the Francophone community.
As you can understand, the community would like to provide these services, but it is unable to do so, for lack of means. The governments involved often argue that we cannot receive funding because we don't have the required number of immigrants. Obviously we don't have the required numbers, since no services are available. It's a vicious cycle.
It was the same situation when we asked for our own Francophone schools; again we had to justify the numbers. It is difficult to get away from that vicious cycle. As you may recall, Supreme Court rulings were needed in order for Francophones to secure their own schools.
Our fear is that this is working against the community. We have heard comments from immigrants in Nova Scotia to the effect that Francophones have nothing to offer and wondering why they would turn to us. Compared to an institution like ISIS, the community provides few services.
We are suggesting that the federal government provide more financial support to the provinces for Francophone immigration. We recognize that each of the provinces has official languages clauses, but the fact is they have very little or no funding available—as is the case in our own province—to support Francophone immigration.
We commend the federal government on its recent initiative in the province of New Brunswick and its decision to invest $10 million via the Roadmap. It could be great if the federal government would also find some money for our province, so as to help the community move forward with respect to Francophone immigration, and particularly the intake and recruitment of immigrants.
At this point, we would like to undertake a recruitment campaign, but we don't have the necessary funding. So, we are forced to try and move forward with almost nothing—a small website and basically by word of mouth.
We also have questions about CIC's bilingual capacity in Nova Scotia. Although there is one bilingual officer, the department as a whole provides very few services. We would also like CIC to play more of an interdepartmental role in that regard. Immigration is a societal project, but I believe more federal government departments should be getting involved. I will name just a few: Service Canada, Human Resources Development Canada, the Rural Secretariat or ACOA. In my opinion, CIC should be playing an interdepartmental role and working jointly with these departments to support Francophone immigration.
As regards refugees, our clientele includes a large number of refugees, but again, we don't have any funding. Basically, all the money goes to ISIS. We have made requests to CIC, but CIC recently replied that all the money had been given to ISIS, that there was none left and that they would see about next year. It's a little frustrating.
Halifax takes in some Francophone refugees, primarily from the Great Lakes region.
A pilot project for Francophone refugees is also underway at this time in Manitoba. We would like to see that extended more quickly to the other provinces, and particularly Nova Scotia.
In closing, we want to make it perfectly clear that the community wants to take full responsibility for the intake, integration and recruitment of Francophone immigrants in Nova Scotia, with adequate resources.