I don't think Canada is taking full advantage of Francophonies d'Amérique. Quebec should be commended for acting on this initiative by Benoît Pelletier to create the Francophonies d'Amérique. This will be a tool for the future. Haiti is a country that participates in the Sommet de la Francophonie and with whom we should have a special relationship. This is something that Canada could put on the agenda of the summit—in other words, establishing working groups, within Francophone countries at least, with a view to developing a mechanism whereby diplomas, credentials and experience can be recognized.
Now I don't know when it comes to plumbing, whether pipes are the same in Belgium, Canada and Quebec. But there is no doubt that, with upgrading courses, it would be possible to move things along more quickly for plumbers, for example. We can only encourage that sort of initiative.
I don't think Canada is taking full advantage of Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guinea, Haiti, and so on. Quebec should also make this part of its mission.