Thank you very much.
I will spend the extra emoluments wisely and my spouse will gladly share them with me on a sandy beach. Ah, ah!
Good morning everyone. I thank you very much for allowing me to chair this committee's work once again. There are a few new faces in the committee.
From the outset, I would like to clarify a point. I made this mistake myself this morning. Henceforth, committees will begin at 8:45 and they will consequently finish at 10:45. We also have a new clerk whom I now welcome. I think that for the main meeting, this should conclude our first gathering. Of course, the committee structures are still the same. We have a steering committee. Thus, we could adjourn the meeting.
I see that some people have things to say. I give the floor to Mr. Bélanger, and then to Mr. Godin.