Thank you for the invitation.
As you know, the APF is an association representing French-language newspapers that work in official language minority communities. Our members are in nine provinces and two and a half territories. We were supposed to appear before the committee in December. The situation has changed somewhat since that time, but I will nonetheless take a few minutes to discuss the Canada Periodical Fund, which will come into force on April 1. I will then outline a number of issues that are linked to Internet development and a cross-Canada project involving a number of organizations that we are working on, namely, a performance evaluation of media in a minority situation.
I will begin with the Canada Periodical Fund. For some years now, the APF has been recommending to the government that the fund's predecessor have a component or a silo on official languages that takes into account the reality in our communities. Over the years, we felt that the government was listening, but in terms of concrete results, we did not necessarily see a program that provided better support to the newspapers that are members of our association.
As concerns the most recent program review, consultations began in February 2008. We participated actively in these consultations and, in our opinion, the results were very positive for the French-language press and the English-language newspaper in Quebec. In very concrete terms, what this means for the APF is that the number of members eligible for this program could increase from 13 to 17. The financial support provided is recurring and permanent. We are very encouraged by the changes made to the program, but I would just like to specify that I am referring here to the criteria. We will have to see about the actual implementation of the program. We have some new newspapers that have applied for the program and think they are eligible, but we will have to see whether they actually will be.
Next, in our recommendations to the department, we suggested a target of approximately 5% of the total budget envelope for official language minority publications. We don't know what the level of funding will be yet. This will be decided once the department knows how many publications it will have to subsidize with the money at its disposal.
There are two other things to monitor. The government pledged to replace the funding that Canada Post was withdrawing from the program. I believe that this is for the next two years. The amount is $15 million per year and that is a concern for us for 2012-2013. From the viewpoint of the APF and its Quebec counterpart, as well as the entire publishing industry in Canada, this will be a concern for us.
There are two other interesting initiatives in the Canada Periodical Fund. One is called Collective Initiative and the other, Business Innovation. We do not yet know the details of the program, so I cannot really comment on the subject, but what I can say is that Collective Initiative is a fund that has been available to the APF for some years now. It has been very useful in starting up development projects for the French-language press. However, the details have not yet been made public.
I am now going to address something that is a growing concern for us, that is, Internet advertising. What we know is that, over the years, the Official Languages Act has been interpreted and applied to ensure that francophones in official language minority communities receive federal messages and advertising in the newspapers published in their language. However, with Internet advertising, things are not so clear.
The reports I have seen indicate that this advertising does not appear on the websites of community media. It does appear on search engines such as Google and Yahoo. So they simply bypass the websites of newspapers and probably also those of community radio stations. This is something that Treasury Board and the Department of Public Works should look at because this could have a very negative impact on our media. Like the rest of the country, we are obliged to make the transition to the Web. Obviously, the presence of federal advertising is essential to the development of this media.
How much time do I have left, Mr. Chair? Two minutes?