Thank you.
As far as the OLSP is concerned, Mr. Chair, I would like to make a request of our researchers. Could they uncover, for the last few years—they can use their judgment—how much money has been spent on community radio under this program?
There is an issue I would like to come back to later on: would it be appropriate to look at changing the criteria for the way the money is used under this program, such as the example given by Mr. Généreux with respect to the Internet? I know that there may be some threats involved, but perhaps there are some opportunities? Could we use the OLSP funding or consider using the program to indeed improve the quality of the equipment or modernize the equipment in our community radio stations?
Does ARC or APF have TFO as a partner? TFO is the franco-Ontarian television station that is broadcast in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba and New Brunswick.
I would like to make a comment about Canada Post. Are we witnessing some type of purge that is going on in order to prepare for the privatization of Canada Post? This type of decision to send $15 million to the Department of Canadian Heritage would be in line with such a vision.
Finally, let's talk about the interdepartmental aspect. I believe that the legislator understood the need and amended the act in 2005, supported, at that time, by the opposition which is now in government. Unless I am mistaken, there is no evidence that the departments and agencies are all, without exception, subject to part VII of the act. Meaning that they have an obligation to provide follow-up, directly, and not to send everything over to the Department of Canadian Heritage. What I'm seeing is that we are not giving life and voice to this new Official Languages Act. That strengthens our desire, as a committee, to delve into this issue more closely.