The other test just occurred recently, when la Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada took the government to court on the census matter. I'm personally dismayed with the result. In the judge's decision there was reference to the fact that there is no regulation adherent to part VII. As you know, subsection 41(3) says the government may enact regulation to give effect to this. It was our government's intention to do that when we supported the amendments to part VII of the act in 2005. The current government has had four years to put a regulation into place and has not, and you're silent on that in your reports, including this one.
This brings me to my third point, which follows up on questions from my colleague, Madame Zarac. You acknowledge that there is a slippage in the governance and the instruments that were available to all these departments--the secretariat of the Privy Council Office, the diminishing resources of Treasury Board, the deputy ministers committee, which no longer exists, and so forth--and you're silent on those as well.
Can we expect that at some point in the near future you will be commenting and perhaps making recommendations on these matters?