We can see your coat of arms on the car. You also wear it in two places on your jacket. The coat of arms dates back to 1952. The RCMP goes back to 1873. And the Official Languages Act came into force in 1969.
About ten years ago, I wrote to my MP. I told him about all the communication between us and about the fact that your coat of arms, which is very beautiful by the way, did not have your name in both official languages. If you look at it, you will see that it actually just says “Royal Canadian Mounted Police”. It is a nice name. My mom gave it to me as well. But your coat of arms does not say “Gendermerie royale du Canada”. This attitude problem might even be connected to that.
I can understand having the coat of arms only in English in 1952, but I think we should have questioned that in 1969. When Canadians raised the question and a renowned MP, who happened to be my MP, wrote to you about it ten years ago or so, you answered that you were going to look into the issue. If you keep looking into it this way, you are going to end up straining your eyes. The situation has to be rectified because that's where this attitude is coming from. This is about your image. You do a good job, especially when you wear your red serge.
Thank you very much.