I would like to refer you to an article that came up at Metropolis, a conference that happened on the weekend. It was a document on “linguicism” by Richard Bourhis, a noted researcher who does a lot of international work and worked with the English-speaking community, on some of the reasons an anglophone in Quebec would not get a job.
Now, we don't want to talk about racism out loud, but.... I mean, it's not about racism, but it is about linguicism. It is the fact that the French is never quite good enough. It will never be good enough to get a job in Quebec.
We understand, and we all live.... I think you all heard us speak French.
The language of Quebec is French. The working language in Quebec is French. But, in Quebec, if you have an English accent when you speak French, only very rarely—around .02% of the time—will you be given a position of authority, in terms of employment equity or if...