Passport Canada is a service delivery agency. There are standards, but they are not connected to official languages. Therefore, when seeking to identify the rate of client satisfaction, the items assessed are courtesy, the speed of service, the accuracy of information provided to clients, and so on. Those are all things that can be delivered in both official languages. We added the official languages dimension to our questionnaires because it was important for us. We wanted to know, through our client surveys, whether they were satisfied or whether there was a need for improvement. Thus we determined that our approach has yielded a 97% satisfaction rate. That means that when we hire new employees, we ensure that they meet the language requirements. We also provide them with tools. Since we serve the entire country, we want to be certain that all our communications with the public over the Internet and all our material in call centres is bilingual, including our forms.
We are also giving some thought to additional mechanisms. If we are unable to provide everything, for example, what is the alternative for the client? We do that intuitively. That specific approach is not identified in a plan, and that's why we have now consolidated all of that in an official languages plan.
We are also reviewing what can be done to better equip our agents. A little earlier, I was talking about La Source, which is an initiative by our call centre in Montreal. The idea behind this initiative was not to improve our performance with respect to official languages; rather, it was to ensure that people at the counter, on the phone and on the Internet all receive the same message. Since we do that in both official languages, one of the advantages is that it helps us to better serve the public in the two official languages. So, it was really a question of service quality, and as far as we were concerned, it was natural for that to be done in both official languages. We had no need for a plan to make that happen. We know that our clients speak to us in both official languages. I myself review documents in both official languages. That is important. When I say “intuitively”, what I mean is that it's instinctive. When our executive committee looks at a new approach or a new policy, we consider whether it will work in the two languages, whether it works for our clients.
This was not a plan that dealt specifically with official languages, but it does show that we are incorporating the official languages dimension into our service approach to our clients and the way we manage our employees. That's the difference between having a plan on paper and being actively engaged in implementing the plan, if you will.