Yes. Actually, we work quite closely with the organization CDETNO in particular. That's the Conseil de développement économique des Territoires du Nord-Ouest. They're going to be speaking with you this afternoon. We work with them closely on tourism and also on attracting people to live and invest in the Northwest Territories.
In terms of tourism, we work quite closely with them on translating materials and that kind of thing. Last year when we had Canada's Northern House in Vancouver during the Olympics, we had a representative from CDETNO at the house. We also always had someone who could provide services in French at the house.
We have a tourism marketing advisory committee, which is a territorial committee, and we have representatives of CDETNO on that committee providing advice on how to attract tourism from Quebec, but also from Europe.
A lot of our tourism marketing is actually done through Northwest Territories Tourism, which is our designated marketing organization, but the TMAC group I just referenced is a joint group between the government and a number of industry organizations, including CDETNO.