Mr. Chair, mahsi.
In regard to those areas that have been highlighted, obviously we want to expand into other communities as well. On the policy itself, we work closely with the communities. As has been indicated by previous speakers, this is a close, tight-knit community, and we all know each other and call ourselves cousins.
We have a clear communication dialogue and we ask what's important for the Northwest Territories, what the positive impacts would be, and also what the benefits would be in a community or in a school or in a program that has been delivered. We try to reach out to those communities. Having the implementation that's before us, in working with the committee, as I highlighted earlier, we want to strengthen the working relations we have. There may be hiccups along the way. As with any discussion or any program we encounter, there are challenges, but we must look beyond that and say, okay, there are always solutions to a challenge. More challenges create more opportunities for us to work together.
But we closely monitor this area, Mr. Chair, and we want to expand further. An area you spoke to--specifically the French programming, the francophone community, and the language itself--has been very successful to date. We want to expand on that. We've talked about the aboriginal languages. I know you are referring specifically to French, but I'd like to throw the aboriginal perspective in there. We're losing our language as well. We want to follow a path as well. How have they been so very successful? What can we use? Instead of reinventing the wheel, let's work together.
I've talked to several of our colleagues in the French language system about how we can work together to start developing and implementing a strategy, so there is that continuously working relationship coming....