Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I would like to thank all the witnesses for being here.
I am an Anglophone from Moncton, New Brunswick. In that province, we have long considered that a Francophone population, or bilingual population, is an important tool for promoting the local economy. It is an economic development tool among others.
I am wondering why a federal agency like CanNor is not providing minimal services in French. Moncton is where ACOA, the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, has its head office. If it were not providing bilingual services for business owners and entrepreneurs, that would cause a real scandal.
I read in the notes prepared by the Library of Parliament that, here in the North, you have a higher percentage of Francophone immigrants than in the rest of the country. That may mean—and I'd like your feedback on this—that there are some Francophone entrepreneurs out there who would like to start a business here but don't do so because CanNor is unable to provide services and there is no federal agency to help them.
Am I right? It seems incredible. I think Mr. Godin already asked you this question. Is that the way it is?