All right.
These are our recommendations.
First of all, we are asking for your support to make the new federal CanNor agency aware of the need to develop a program to fund business services in French in the Northwest Territories, as well as the two other territories.
Secondly, we are calling on you to redouble your efforts to sensitize the Ministry of Education, Culture and Training in the NWT to the need for employability services in French, all across the Northwest Territories.
Thirdly, we are seeking your support with respect to the renewal of the Empowerment Fund administered by HRSDC, as well as the federal government's Roadmap, which will end on March 31, 2013.
Finally, we are seeking your support to reactivate the National Joint Committee mandated under the memorandum of understanding signed in March of 1998 by the Government of Canada and the Comité pour les Francophones en situation minoritaire. Furthermore, we encourage you to demand the ongoing participation of deputy ministers in the work of the committee, as it was originally constituted.
In closing, I would just like to say that Francophones here are making their mark culturally, economically and politically in the Northwest Territories. At the same time, consolidation of their current assets and the provision of permanent services which are essential for their development would clearly enhance their situation.
The few recommendations we have made are potential solutions intended to improve the standard of living of the Francophone communities, as well as community economic development all across the Northwest Territories.
Finally, the CDETNO and its partner in this presentation, the Garderie Plein Soleil, would once again like to extend their sincere thanks for this opportunity to talk about linguistic duality as a means of forging closer ties between the two solitudes.