Thank you for your question,
and I'm happy to respond.
We've already spoken about the in-person, active offer being not where it needs to be; that's one of the things I think the commissioner noted, and it undoubtedly brought us down.
In the representation area, a particular problem the department has had for some time has been the representation of anglophones in Quebec. We've historically been very low on this point. As a result, the commissioner has noted this over the years.
We have increased our anglophone participation in our Quebec offices, but we are still not where the commissioner feels we should be. We've put in some specific targets for the next year in that regard. And similarly with francophones outside Quebec. We do better with anglophones inside Quebec, but still we are not at the place we need to be, so that is another area where we know we need to improve. There we have a few more tools, and we will be focusing on some targeted recruitment, for example, in francophone universities. There are some ways of using co-op programs and then bridging students of the official language minority into our workforce. So we have some strategies there.