Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I would like to come back to the issue raised by Mr. Généreux and Ms. Guay, namely French services in the Northwest Territories. You may be aware that we were there last week. We met with organizations, and the organization which provides health care services in French told us of a problem relating to translation. Based on what I understood, the translation of medical terms is not adequate, and as a result, people are not receiving appropriate care. The last thing a person wants is bad medical care or the wrong diagnosis.
Madam Deputy Minister, you said a little earlier that the territories provide health care services independently. There is something I would like to have explained to me. Before the territories got their own Parliament, they were managed by the federal government. That was not such a long time ago.
Now that the situation has changed and that the territories have their own Parliament, what is the responsibility of the federal government? In the health care sector, does the federal government have less responsibility in the area of official languages? Has there been a loss of responsibility? I believe that Health Canada can play a role in this regard. The translators themselves said that they are more comfortable dealing with certain subjects than with others. The health care sector, or the medical sector, as Ms. Guay said, has jargon which is difficult to understand even in one's own language.
Today, there are call centres throughout the world. You call one of these centres and you have no idea where the person who has answered the phone is located. It might be in India or Mexico. Are there not federal programs that could meet the needs of the people living in the Northwest Territories? If the service cannot be provided in the territories, perhaps a person in another province might have the skills to do the work for Health Canada. This is worrying. We have to talk about it, because this is an issue which the Commissioner of Official Languages has not studied. Perhaps we will ask him to do so. Entire communities are not receiving health care services in a language they understand, because of a lack of competent interpreters. I am concerned about this and I believe all committee members were concerned. The Conservative Party, represented by Mr. Généreux, asked the question, as did the Bloc Québécois. And now I am asking this question. We were made aware of the situation by the people who live up there. I would like to know what you think of this matter.