Mitch and Michaela will perhaps provide you with a better answer, but, in my opinion, the services we offer, or the work we do with regard to official languages, is considered a subactivity. Subactivities are not addressed in the report on plans and priorities. As you know, that report describes strategic outcomes. Then there are the activities. We have a number of subactivities. Our work would appear within that. It's as much a philosophy as a work approach.
As you know, our departmental management committee meets every week. The meeting is held in French one week and in English the following week. Since we now have a work plan that covers the next 12 months, we hold important and meaningful discussions in both languages. This kind of thing cannot be included in the report on plans and priorities because it really constitutes a way of working.
Our work in the area of official languages also touches on employee learning plans. It's in the context of those plans that we determine whether they will take courses in the other official language. Our philosophy is to take action across the board rather than to determine subactivities in the area.