Thank you for the question. No, I don't think they're resistant. I believe they're a bit afraid. These are human beings all the same. If they don't often practise the other official language, they're a bit embarrassed. It would mainly be that. In addition, when you're so used to speaking one language all day, sometimes you forget. Sometimes it's forgetfulness, at others it's embarrassment, or all kinds of other problems. It's up to us, the managers, to always monitor that.
Official language learning doesn't just mean learning the language. The idea is also to grasp the importance of speaking both languages, to grasp the extent to which this is important for Canada. We have to ensure this is a fundamental part of our values, of our ethics. We have to be proud to offer that.
In short, I wouldn't say that our employees are opposed to the idea, but it's more that they're embarrassed