An article was published on February 8, 2011 at 9:12 p.m. by Paul Gaboury in the newspaper Le Droit. I will quote the beginning of this article:
Service Canada did not conduct an impact study on French-language services as part of the revamping of its 50 community offices across the country because the federal institution has pledged that the clientele will be able to continue having access to bilingual services. Senator Maria Chaput had asked Government Leader Marjorie LeBreton if a study had been done on the impact of revamping Service Canada community offices. Her aim was to ensure that this project complied with the Official Languages Act, because the government must take positive measures for the development and vitality of linguistic minority communities.
The journalist then made the same request directly to Service Canada. Here is the answer given by a Service Canada representative:The community offices of Service Canada that are designated bilingual and offer services in both official languages will continue to have access to bilingual services. That is why no impact study was required.