Thank you all for being here. I'm going to switch it up and actually speak in English. It's what I'm feeling comfortable with today.
You have probably heard several of our members on the opposition side bringing up the midway report for the road map. It is worth saying that this is largely because we feel that in the planning of the next road map, that midway report is going to be very important for planning the path ahead, the road forward. Getting lots of input—and I hear you speak today about what you'd like to see in the next one—is certainly important.
Since there has been a bit of a theme on youth and involvement, I wanted to ask a couple of questions. Would it be fair to say with respect to new media, for instance, that the degree of involvement of your newspapers and radio stations each year is dependent right now upon whether you have the one volunteer or employee who is very adept at it; that the papers and radio stations that are better involved have that person and the other ones don't? Would that be fair to say?