Yes, putting content on social platforms takes an enormous amount of time. You have to be there as often as possible in order to stimulate discussion. Some radio stations have only a web page. They haven't yet really developed a site, because they don't have the time to do it. And, as we all know, people don't visit static sites. All of this represents a major challenge for us, because the government is talking more and more about putting advertising on the Internet. As a result, it is probable that there will be less of it on the radio or in the traditional media. That's a major challenge for us because we have to have a presence on the web in order to secure our share of government advertising. We would like to regain what we're in the process of losing.
However, some of our members have extremely limited resources. I'm thinking of Iqaluit, for example, where there are 500 francophones and the station has only one half-employee. And yet these people are on the air 24 hours a day, like any other radio station in Canada. Having to be everywhere at the same time is a huge challenge. That's why we are asking you to ensure that we can have at least one permanent employee in every one of our stations. That way, we will be able to devote a little time to the web and new media.